Semons l'Amour

The Project

Where does this idea come from ?

Antoine, sociologist, lives in Angers (France) in a cabin without water or electricity.

In 2022, he runs 23 marathons in a row to Davos (Swizterland) and makes a documentary : « What if we talked about love !? »

In 2023, he wonders : « isn’st the hardest thing to love, where we are, those who surround us in our daily life ?».

He makes the second documentary «24H to love». While he runs 150 km, 18 volunteers and the Mayor of his town (Mûrs-Erigné – 49) will question other 6300 inhabitants.

On January the 5th 2024, the idea to go to Jerusalem in 100 marathons comes to him.

« What can I really do to care for my daughter if our world is at war with itself ?

When, in a territory where great wisdom was born, its civilians are deliberately killed, it is more than our humanity that is attacked, it is love itself.

All over the world, we have our reasons for giving in to our anger and fears. Who can understand and therefore judge the other ?

But the question is, what choice do I make? Am I ready to love to the point of experiencing miracles? »

Download the leaflet

  • 00Jours
  • 00Heures
  • 00Minutes

Register to follow Antoine's adventure ! (so far the texts are in french)

The team



Geek of Love


The Abundance


The Connection


The Voice


The Scouat

How to participate ?

Receive adventure information and seeds of love to sow by joining the community (in French for the moment..). Talk about it to those around you!

Participate in a stage of the race

Spend some time with Antoine and why not host him for a night! He goes running almost every day from 6 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Make a donation

All donations are made to the L’AMOUR POUR association. They make it possible to organize events such as this to help see the importance of love being at the heart of our individual and collective lives. All additional donations will be donated to associations working in Gaza and Israel.

Bear witness

By answering these questions by drawing, video, text:

• What is love to you?

• How does it change your world?

• How do you live it more?

Share your testimonials on our social networks! Or send them through our contact page on this website 🙂